For our Beloved True Friends

Until we meet again…

The Rainbow Bridge

By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,
Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.
Where the friends of man and woman do run,
When their time on earth is over and done.

For here, between this world and the next,
Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
On this golden land, they wait and they play,
Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.

No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.

They romp through the grass, without even a care,
Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.
All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,
Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.

For just at that instant, their eyes have met;
Together again, both person and pet.
So they run to each other, these friends from long past,
The time of their parting is over at last.

The sadness they felt while they were apart,
Has turned into joy once more in each heart.
They embrace with a love that will last forever,
And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.

(c) 1998 Steve and Diane Bodofsky


They Will Not Go Quietly

They will not go quietly,

The pets who've shared our lives.

In subtle ways, they let us know

Their spirit still survives.

Old habits still make us think

We hear them at the door.

Or step back when we drop

A tasty morsel on the floor.

Our feet still go around the place

The food dish used to be,

And, sometimes, coming home at night,

We miss them terribly.

And although time may bring new friends

And a new food dish to fill,

That one place in our hearts

Belongs to them . . . and always will.

  • Marko: "One True Friend"

    Marko was a one of a kind horse, and truly Dr. Peeler’s “heart horse”.

    ”Marko began life as a racehorse, registered name: One True Friend. He went through a couple homes until he found me, ‘his person’. He was donated to Maryville College when I was a sophomore, and I claimed him as my own very quickly. He was there for me through Organic Chemistry and Physics, and finally through graduation. I was blessed to be able to continue to ride through veterinary school and he kept me sane through all of it. He was quirky and unique, and always up for a calm walk or a gallop in the field, whatever my heart needed that day.

    In July of 2020, at the age of 18 he was called home. I never expected to lose him so soon, and I treasure every moment I had with him.” - Allison Peeler, True Friend Veterinarian

  • Nickel

    “In 2006 when my parent’s picked me up from camp, they told me the MOST exciting news. We would be going to pick out a puppy! That summer, I found the best dog, picking him up and deciding to name him Nickel (yes, his mom’s name was Penny). We spent every moment together from that moment until my high school graduation. When I moved to college he would come and lay by my car to try to keep me from leaving him.

    In 2016 we moved into a house and I was finally able to get him back home with me. He was my first “patient” through veterinary school, and always willing to let me practice blood draws, vaccines, and anything else I needed with him.

    He chose my husband as his person too and we got 13 incredible years with him. In March of 2021 he developed a heart based mass that was inoperable. We helped him pass at home, and I wish the peace that moment gave to us to every one of my patients.” - Dr. Allison Peeler, True Friend Veterinarian

  • Spyke, Willie, Tank, Snippet, Chase, Harlie, & Cole

    In my 52 years on the earth, I have been fortunate to have met many four-legged friends. But when asked to do a memorial for my recently passed dog Cole. I could not do that without mentioning those that passed before him. They all saved me in their own way. And some passed more tragically than others but they all served to make me a better person in their time with me on this earth.

    The Great Ashton Spyke: Truly the sweetest dog I have ever owned. Bought during the 101 Dalmation craze in the early 90s. He always wanted to touch his human. He was beautiful, sweet, and filled with joy. His tragic passing made me cry tears I had never had cried before. I felt a part of myself pass with him. He left a hole that was hard to fill at a time and at a time when I really needed him.

    Boxcar Willie: Willie was truly a HOBO. I found him trapped in an underground scale by the railroad tracks. He was hungry, flea-ridden, and full of heartworms. Another joyful dog that always wore a smile on his face, His zoomies were the best and he could cuddle the best on the couch. He dug underneath our fence and was hit by a car one morning. His passing made me not get another dog for a bit. I felt I was cursed.

    Tank: The biggest Belgian draft horse that was my carriage horse when I lived in Austin Texas. We spent many an hour together, He was brave, strong, and the most gentle creature. He willingly did his job and loved any attention. His favorite things were mountain dew and red hots. He was able to retire and live a fabulous retirement, My day camp kids loved the day of the week we would bring him in and bathe him. Once he dried they would ride him, Three kids could fit on his big back at a time. Colic took him at about 20. Tennessee Equine did all they could do to save him but it was a bad case of colic for the big guy.

    Snippet or Snipperdoodle Doo: My sweet calico tabby that found me in the UPS parking lot in Austin Texas. She had ridden on the wheel well of a fellow worker’s truck and then managed to escape the back of his truck as a small kitten, I found her mewing in the parking lot. She was the coolest cat, She would nurse on my earlobe and grew to love Christian after we married. She went to sleep on his chest every night. She passed in her sleep after 15 plus years with her. I rescued our current cat Hemi because she looked like her when I visited the shelter.

    Chase: Oh boy, this one will go down in history! My Dad laughed and said his name should be named Chance after my previous track record with dogs when I got him My dear friend Christiane gave him to me as I moved away from Texas. He lived a wonderful 14 years with me and his last 11 with Christian, He got me through a divorce and he also looked at me like I was the center of his universe, And I was! He was a Border Collie/Heeler and he was truly the smartest and just wanting to please dog. He knew me. He knew my body language. I can still feel his eyes watching me. Intensity was his middle name. His body wore out from all his stick gathering, ball playing, and just trying to keep up with his Mom. I was lucky to allow Chase to pass at the farm where I work assisted by Dr. Monty McInturf.

    Harlequin Boing Boing aka Harlie aka the SH#@ monkey: My ex bought her as a birthday present for me before we separated because I had a strange fascination with Italian Greyhounds. She was part cat in her demeanor and was a drama queen, I went to sleep for 14 plus years with her curled up against my stomach under the covers. She would scratch and I would lift the covers for her to crawl in for the night. I still think of her at night, Most mornings I would have to get her out of bed and some days I just made the bed up with her under the covers. Cancer took her aggressively and quickly.

    Cole: Before Chase passed, I had to fill the hole that I knew was about to come into my life. A friend had a litter of Aussie/Heeler pups. And once seeing a picture, I knew the little fluffy tweed one had to be mine. He was opinionated. He was driven. He was bossy and he was Mine! He was my work companion and was Christian and my buddy on my off time. He was Christian’s first puppy and he loved his Daddy. Who could not love Good-time Daddy? He vacationed with us and was always jealous of our son Adam. He was diagnosed with cancer at 8yrs. Dr. Dave Bulter did all he could to keep him with us. We got another year with him. We will be forever grateful to Dr. Allison Peeler for helping him cross over the rainbow bridge. The comfort of having him at a place that brought him joy meant the world to us. Thank you Dr. Peeler.

  • Penny

    Penny was an adopted senior dog that was found as a stray in 2021 by MACC. She spent her last 15.5 months being loved and spoiled. During that time she suffered from hypertension, kidney issues and ultimately a terminal diagnosis of lymphoma. Dr. Peeler was there every step of the way to answer questions and provide support and comfort for Penny (and me). Penny crossed the rainbow bridge in the comfort of her home in early 2023 with the help of Dr. Peeler. I cannot express how thankful I am to Dr. Peeler for being there for us and having an in-home option at the end.

  • Keira

    In memory of Keira Lou Urban 9/12/10 - 3/9/22

    I got a call from a friend in the greyhound adoption business on April 27, 2012. She said one of her fosters escaped their foster home and got tangled in barbed wire, oh and its Karly's littermate. See, at the time I had the retired greyhounds Karly and Happy at my home.

    Karly was one of 4 sisters and it seems her sister had gotten into some trouble. I drove that day to Gulfport, MS, there at the end of a dark hallway, cowering, was Keira. She was terrified. She wouldn't move, so I carried her to my car where she laid down on the rear floor. She had wounds all along her sides from the wire, head down, tail tucked. I brought her home to her 2 new siblings and let them run around in the backyard. Over the next several years Keira became herself. She was outspoken, you dare not ignore her. Every time she entered a room she'd let out a "huff" so you knew she was there. That didn't work? She had the ability to sneak up on me and bark in my ear.

    And wow did she have a bark. You couldn't pet her siblings without petting her, to the point she'd crawl in my lap so she was closest to me. She had to be first everywhere. Going out? She'd push everybody out of the way to be out the door first. Eating? Yep, done first.

    What a kisser! All i had to do was say "gimme kiss" and she'd lavish me. She was the perfect alarm clock. Everyday around 5am she'd stir just enough to wake me.

    She loved her brother and sister. She's play fetch with me and Karly.

    She snuggled in bed with all 4 of us. She'd often have her arm resting on one of us. We lost Happy and it was just the sisters for a time until Zander came. Karly was more reserved but here was somebody just as silly as herself. Oh my would she carry on with Zander. Time to eat? More like time to zoom around in circles with Zander, throw the stuffies around, and prance like a little red horse until you were so out of breath you couldn't eat for a bit. Those 2 snuggled a lot.

    Heads on each other, or arms, or touching somehow. Indoors, with her family, she shone like a little red sun. Outside however, I think the memory of that one day stuck with her, she didn't really enjoy walking. Crunching leaves or car noises scared her. Walking every day helped ease some of this and after a while when I said "walk" she'd zoom around with Zander as excited as could be. In time she stopped caring about thunderstorms. There wasn't a day that went by without me telling her how proud I was, how brave she was, and how tough she was. I called her "sturdy". She did not like the groomer. She knew the words "nails clipped" and tried to hide, but nails must be trimmed. She's get a nice bacon treat after.

    Her little face was black when I got her but in time she greyed. The last few years I called her my little red dog with the little white face. She was always so pretty.

    When she began limping on her right shoulder I thought it was because she was 11 now and slowing down, and although her zooms were slower she still tried to zoom, and I thought she pulled a muscle. Vet took 7 x-rays and they looked good to us. But when something happened suddenly one day, and your pain became so much you shut down, I knew there was but one last thing I could do for my red girl. I could make sure that you were not afraid and hurting like you were 9 years 11 months ago when we first met. As you left me, I reminded you how proud I was, how strong and brave you were, and of course how pretty. I said I love you again and again. I knew you were not only ready, but also not afraid. My last words as you crossed were "I'm so sorry", as i was sorry i could not protect you from the monster that took you.

    How do you account for 9 years 11 months with somebody, who one day is just not there. I worked from home and Keira was my constant office companion. I listen to music during work, and would substitute "Keira" into multiple song lyrics, like Bobby Hebb's "Sunny" of course was now "Keira". We Will Rock You was I Will Kiss Keira (yes it was often silly). I sang to her so much. Now those songs come on, and there is no Keira. Every night for bed I'd say "I'm coming to kiss my little red girl" and planted a big kiss on her soft lips. I shut off the light today and no little red girl. She was just there you know. In my bed, on her bed, on the floor, within eyesight. For almost 1/5th of my life I had her near me. I live alone and other than my dogs I rarely speak to people. The conversations we had. Good times, bad times. So much of my life I shared with her. I still talk to Zander of course, but it was so ingrained in me to say "Keira come here let me pet you" or "Keira how was your day" that I still find myself saying "Ke....." before stopping myself. Every habit, every routine, for almost 10 years.

    Well Zander and I have begun our new chapter. We won't forget Keira, we won't forget that chapter ever. I have the ashes of all my passed friends in my room so their memories and souls are always near me. I may not say "Keira come here" out loud again, but in my heart she's always there. I do love you so, my little red girl with the little white face. Until we meet again. Love, Daddy.

  • Zander

    In memory of Zander Boo Urban “KK Fastpaws”

    08/01/2011 – 09/14/2023

    Zander came into my life when he was about 5 months old. I was in several greyhound racing groups and knew some breeders back then. I had the “pick of the litter” from a farm in Kansas, got a black boy with a large white crest on his chest. He was destined to race and was registered with the NGC, so upon ownership I named him KK Fastpaws. The KK was my middle and my son’s name of Kurt, and Kurt thought Fastpaws was a good name. He grew up on the farm and at about 1 year headed for a trainer somewhere in KS. He learned the tools of the trade, and at about 18 months headed for Palm Beach Kennel Club, where on Feb 16, 2013 he won his first race. He went on to win 16 more, more than any other greyhound I had adopted before him. He slowed down as time does to all of us and on April 15, 2015 he retired and came to live with me. An 8 year 5 month friendship began. He was so skinny! Still in race shape. But as with all my hounds he quickly got spoiled and filled out some nice curves. Slim jims, cookies, cake, sausages, and of course treats aplenty. And nuts! OMG he loved nuts.

    Zander wasn’t affectionate in the normal way. In fact he never kissed me once. He gave good hugs though, he would lean on me sometimes, and often we’d put our foreheads together. But he didn’t like his head petted much, and he tired quickly of me kissing him (which I loved to do). I told him deal with it haha. He was that gentle soul you know. The one too good for this world. He just did his thing quietly.

    He would squeek his toys but not too much. He would do zoomies but just a bit. Back then he had

    sisters, Karly and Keira, but they didn’t play together and he was often off in another room alone. He was calm and mellow to the point sometimes of being aloof. But I knew he felt safe and comfortable.

    There was a long period of time where he liked to sleep at night next to me in bed. He’d always be touching me. As time went on though he preferred to be in his bed on the floor, and later in life on a blanket on the floor. I missed him being next to me. But that was him, and I remember fondly the type of affection he did give.

    We lost his sisters and for a few weeks it was just he and I. Always a good eater, after about 2 weeks of being alone he lost his appetite. That’s when I went looking for somebody else to adopt. Greyhound racing ended in FL and most other state tracks were closed so finding a retired racer was hard. By sheer luck 2 had just been returned by their family to GPA Nashville, who contacted me about them. Suddenly Zander had a new brother and sister, both half his age and both 15+ pounds larger than him! They were 2 of the biggest greys I had ever seen. Z was almost 10 and suddenly 2 very rambunctious siblings were playing and knocking into him which I don’t think he enjoyed. He was eating again, but stayed largely away from them, but that’s just how he was.

    It was summer of 2021 when I noticed his rear end was swollen. He ended up having an inflammatory condition back there, and for about 8 months we tried various medications until we found some that knocked it down a bit. But those 8 months were rough, lots of bowel issues, I’m sure he was uncomfortable. When we found a cream that helped we had a routine after he went outside I’d say “time to clean your butt” and off to the restroom he trotted. So for well over a year he was on “butt medicine” and “butt cream”. He’d still have bad days though. But he was eating fine. Me and the 3 of them would walk every morning at least 2 miles and often up to 3, and he plugged along with us even as time went on and he turned 11, then 12. I think the walks were his favorite thing to do, after eating.

    Every day after our walk I would tell him how proud I was that he kept up. He had a quiet strength, that was him. Butt troubles, aging, getting knocked around by his siblings, he tolerated it all and did his thing. We had a big celebration for his 12 th birthday, but always in my mind I knew time was limited. Keira made it to 11, but I never had another of my hounds see 10. About 3 weeks ago for 3 days in a row during our walk his little back legs gave out and he collapsed. I picked him up, put him on my lap and we rested until he could walk again. I told him I was proud of how brave and tough he was. I also told him this would be what takes him. See, he was healthy, just old. No signs of cancer. He ate well. He could still jump up onto my bed even when he was 12. So after that week his legs were better but I took him only on shorter walks. On Sep 14 he and his siblings went outside to pottie before bed. He didn’t come back so I went to find him, he was collapsed again. So I carried him inside onto his blanket in our bedroom. He was breathing heavily so I laid and talked with him. This time, resting didn’t work, his back legs were gone and I knew this was it. It was late and I planned to call his vet in the am to come by. I don’t think he was hurting? I think he maybe was afraid, or had an unwell feeling, maybe his back end was numb? I talked to him a lot then, and his breathing did calm down. I got into bed hoping maybe he’d be ok in the morning, and if not I’d help him pass. I checked on him 20 minutes later and he had slipped away. And that is my regret as I write his, that I wasn’t lying next to him those 20 minutes. Of course I had no way to know he’d draw his last breath. I though he’d power on til morning like he had done for over 12 years. I regret not having that last kiss, not saying I was proud of him one more time, not saying he was brave and tough one more time. He slipped away and it was too late. My son said it well, he knew it was time, he was comfortable on his blanket with me and his siblings nearby, so he let himself go. It was a peaceful ending. I just didn’t know it was the ending or I would have been holding him. I’ll always feel guilty over this. Was I nearby? Yes. Was he in “his spot”? Yes. But no I was not right next to him. I think though that he was not lonely, I think he felt calmer and his fear was less. But I wish you know? I wish I could have known, I wish for one more kiss, I miss having a last goodbye. I’ll carry that with me. But I didn’t know.

    As I write this, of course, I can barely see the page through the tears. How do you account for over 8 years with the world’s most gentle soul? That’s 1/7 th of my life I had with him. Well, more, if you count buying him when he was a baby. He really was brave and tough. He kept winning again and again as time went on, as his legs weakened, as his rear bothered him, but he’d still walk miles and miles. I am and forever will be so proud of him. He set the benchmark for not only how handsome he was but for how hard he fought every day. I look at where your blanket was on the floor and wish I could see your outline again. Wish I could watch you gobble up a large piece of cake again. But wherever his soul is now, I’m sure there is cake and slim jims, and nice strong legs, strong enough to win more races.

    You know I love you Zander Boo. You know you’re my Mr. Perfect and my big tough guy. Enjoy your slim jims and be happy ok? You were my world and my heart aches for you. I love and miss you.

    Zander, if I could sing this to you one more time:

    Did I ever tell you you’re my hero?

    You’re everything, everything I wish I could be

    I could fly higher than an eagle

    For you are the wind beneath my wings

    Fly, fly, fly high against the sky

    So high I almost touch the sky

    Thank you, thank you

    Thank God for you, the wind beneath my wings

    xo daddy